Board certified clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Allison Cato evaluates for autism spectrum disorder, learning disability, ADHD, cognitive, behavioral or mood disorders in Jacksonville, FL
As a licensed and board-certified clinical neuropsychologist, Dr. Allison Cato provides comprehensive neuropsychological services for autism spectrum disorder, cognitive or developmental delay, learning concerns and mood or behavioral disorders for toddlers through early adulthood.
Types of evaluations include:
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Learning disabilities
- Developmental dyslexia, dysgraphia or dyscalculia
- Intellectual disability
- Cognitive/academic difficulties
(those associated with acquired or developmental medical conditions)
Prior to her current role, for over 15 years Dr. Cato directed a neuropsychology clinic for a large pediatric multispecialty clinic in Jacksonville, FL.
Postdoctoral Studies
VA San Diego Healthcare System
Psychology Service
University of Florida
Department of Clinical and Health Psychology
University of Florida
Department of Clinical & Health Psychology
Specialty Track: Clinical Neuropsychology
University of California, San Diego & VA San Diego
Healthcare System
Department of Psychology
Specialty Track: Neuropsychology
James Madison University
Department of Psychology
Specialty Track: Experimental Psychology
Wake Forest University
Double Major: Psychology & French
(Summa Cum Laude)
When not helping her clients, Allison is a busy mom of two daughters. You can find her gardening, swimming, and running or walking with her family and beloved dog, Rio. As a neuropsychologist, her interests always include brain-behavior relationships and the new discoveries about functional neuroanatomy through clinically relevant neuroscience research. She welcomes your inquiries.